
Fine Arts Boosters


Presidents: John Barr
Vice-President: Kelly (Stare '90) Guzniczak
Secretary: Michele Collette
Treasurer: Pam Pytel

2022-23 Meetings

All are welcome to join us! Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm. Meetings are via Google Meet.

Google Meet Link

Fine Arts Fundraisers

The Memory Project

Since 2017, Rosary High School artists have participated in The Memory Project, a charitable nonprofit organization that invites art teachers and their students to create and donate portraits to youth around the world who have faced substantial challenges, such as violence, disasters, extreme poverty, neglect, and loss of parents. Rosary Fine Arts Boosters is proud to support this project. Donations welcome at

Effortless Fundraising for Fine Arts Boosters

Shop at these or 2,300+ stores at and do more good for Rosary High School Fine Arts Boosters. More than $9,100,000 raised for great causes since 1997. Use the iGive Button and shop online as you normally would - no added steps. Use this link:

For other opportunities to raise funds effortlessly for Rosary High School, please visit Effortless Fundraising.
Rosary High School is a Catholic, college-prep high school for young women sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois. Rosary creates a sisterhood of truth, faith and strength.