Annual Reports

Donors 2023-24

Annual Report Draft 2023-24

We are preparing the data for our 2023-24 Annual Report. Listed below is a draft of all Rosary donors for the fiscal year (July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024).

Please help by checking your name. Let us know if your name is spelled correctly or if you would like to be listed differently (title, spouse, graduation year, company, etc.)

Alumnae donors are listed in the full column and are also listed by class year in the right column without spouses.

If you would like your name corrected or listed differently—or if you donated during the fiscal year and your name is missing—please contact Vicki Danklefsen, Director of Philanthropy & Alumnae.

If you have not donated yet this fiscal year, you may donate online at the link below or mail a check to:
Rosary High School Advancement Office
901 N. Edgelawn Drive
Aurora, IL  60506
We thank you all for your support of the mission of Rosary High School.

If you have any questions, contact Vicki Danklefsen, Director of Philanthropy & Alumnae, at or call (630) 896-0831 x250.

Please note: This listing does not include our Lifetime Veritas donors or our Catherine of Siena Society members. However, those names will be included in the 2023-24 Annual Report.

Donors 2023-24

John and Lynn Aguilar
Michael and Deanna Ahasic
William and Janice Allen
Cassandre (Rigaud ‘88) Anderson
Dr. Paul R. Anderson & Dr. Christine J. Sobek
Mike and Sue+ Arbizzani
Steve and Kim (Brizzolara '86) Auchstetter
Aurora Catholic Education Foundation
The Avery Coonley School
Allison Avin

Suzanne Baase ('89)
Peter and Eileen Bakala
Julia (O'Brien '76) Baker
Luis and Vivienne Balcita
Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.
William and Ruthann Barbel
Lisa Barclay ('90)
Robert and Jane Barkei
John and Rebecca (Arbizzani ‘92) Barr
William and Judith Barr
Delia Basile
Joseph and Julie Beam
Sara (Jungels '01) Beard
Nolan and Rebecca Bello
Joseph and Brenda Beltz
James and Jennifer (Lane ‘86) Bennett
Kathleen (Novack '76) Benoit
Kelly Bielawa
Kathleen (Scanlan ‘71) Bielmeier
Kenneth and Judy Bill
Andrea Billhardt
Brad and Julie Blankenheim
Lenore Blatner
Scott and Jan (Goheen '72) Boerke
Robert and Lynn Boerman
Jay and Tisha Bottarini
Dr. Melvin and Cecelia Boule
John and Theresa (Kilian ’71) Bowen
Kara (Rakunas '96) Boyle
Jason Bragg
Matthew and Mary (Petit ‘70) Brazys
David and Mary (Duffy ‘71) Breeden
Edwin and Nancy Brenski
Tom and Kathy (Bill ‘82) Brent
Margaret Brizzolara
Angela Brooker
Julie Brumund (‘93)
Kenneth and Deborah Brutlag
John P. and Erin Bryan
Buck Services, Inc.
Paul and Paula Buddy
Eugene Buldak
David and Teresa Burdelak
John and Beth (Brizzolara '84) Burke
Patricia (Hettinger ‘73) Butkovich
Darrell and Cecelia Butlett

CRW Finishing, Inc. / Charles and Melanie Calbeck
Richard and Linda Campen
Joseph and Kristin Carlson
Douglas and Teri (Brennan '77) Carlson
Robert and Dr. Rosemary (Swedler ‘74) Carroll
Dan and Megan Carron
Edgardo and Sarai Casiano
Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley
Michael and Karen Chapski
Chicago Bears Football Club
Thomas and Susan (O’Brien ‘78) Choice
Carol Cibulskis
Julie Cibulskis (‘91) and Scott Roskuszka
Linda Cibulskis (‘87)
Albert and Mary (Gilbert '70) Cinto
Peter and Toni Clementz
Lott and Mary Tornabene Coleman
Patrick and Therese Conlin
Mike and Lisa Cooper
David and Erica (Mueller ‘86) Cox
Joyce Cregier
Susana Cuevas ('98)
Dawn Curran
Ryan and Nicole (Schelling '96) Curtis

Jeff and Vicki Danklefsen
Kimberly Davis
Delta Corporation
Brent and Laura Dempsey
Warren and Jaclynn DeNardo
Federico and Jacalyn (Weistroffer ‘85) d’Escoto
Martha Devine
James and Stacy (Trannel ‘01) Devine
Jennifer (Clark ‘09) Dewine
Keith and Dr. Janice (Fisher ‘86) Dickerson
Edward and Gloria (Casey ‘80) Dollinger
Dominican Sisters of Springfield
Ryan (Wiet '04) Doornbos
Patrick and Mary Dougherty
Maureen Drahos
Sara Dreishmire
Anthony and Kelly Drudi
Richard and Katherine Duy
John and Charlene (Bolly ‘70) Dwyer

Christopher and Maile Eddy
Dennis and Ann (Rhoades ‘70) Edwards
Caroline Elkin ('11)
Kevin and Debbi Ellis
Kaleigh Ellis ('13) 
Matthew and Joanna Ellis-Escobar
Dennis and Claire Erickson
Ron and Mary Pat (Cherwin ’67) Esposito
Frank and Carol (Duffy ‘73) Evans
Exelon Corporation

Dr. Diane Fabrizius ('76) 
Fairview Dental
Lou Anne Feltes ('81)
Susanne Ferris+
Leanne Feuerborn
Timothy and Jean (Ament ‘76) Fichtel
Fidelity Charitable / Brokerage Services
Richard and Christine Fidler
Rosalino and Juliana Figueras
Robert and Penny Figueras
Nicholas Fitz
James and Jeanne (Wehling ‘68) Fitzpatrick
Robert and Mary Fleming
Ralph and Mary Beth (Long '70) Follin
Margaret Fox (‘76)
Terry Fox
Fox Valley Park District
Jeffrey and Michele (Pereklita ‘93) Franklin
Terrance and Mary Ann Frantzen
Joe Fraser
Susan Frichitthavong ('97) 
Michael and Judith Frigo
Caitlin Fry ('09)
Michael and Sandra Funkey
Erin Furgason ('93) 
Richard and Kathleen Furgason
Kevin and Kellie Fuss

Sandra Galindo ('93) and Roman Mendez
Matthew and Dawn (Sorrentino '01) Gallucci
Patricia Garrity (‘75)
Michael and Laura (Gengler '90) Garrone
Martha Gass ('82) 
Geneva Construction Company / John P. Bryan
Braham and Patrice (Leffelman ‘90) Ghaderi
Brian and Catherine Giffin
Andy and Adrienne (LeFevre ‘94) Gilla
Matt and Kathleen (Zilly ‘88) Gilmore
Kerry and Beth Goettsch
Eugene+ and Jeanine Gordon
Nicholas and Carolyn Gordon
Meg Gorecki ('85)
John and Julie Greek
Bonnie Stumm Griffin
Teresa Grommes
Kimberly Groom
Karen Grotbo
Edward and Tricia (Schearer '94) Grzesik
Margaret Gurbal

Gerald Hamsmith
Paul and Lorraine (Meagher ‘84) Hancock
Frank and Eileen Harbauer
Keith and Janet Harms
Spencer and Ann (Cordes ‘70) Hastert
Joseph and Dr. Daniela Hathaway
Aveline Hauser
Mark and Mary Hauser
Laurie Hayes
William and Louise Healy
Christopher and Whitney (Werich ‘97) Heard
Thomas and Kathleen Heaton
Thomas and Tasha Heidenrich
John and Patricia Heneghan
Penelope Herlihy
Abigail Herwaldt '16 
Steve and Kristi (Waters ’91) Hess
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Todd and Teresa Hiles
David and Sandy Hipp
James and Carol Hirner
Jeff and Jennifer (Hamilton ‘94) Hirner
Steve and Jennifer Hirner
Robert and Kristin Hlavacek
Thomas and Mary (Fraser ‘68) Hodson
Terrence and Mary (Nickels '71) Hoffman
James and Donna (Fabrizius ‘81) Homan
Thomas Horvath
Paul and Linda (Nickels '82) Hoss
Clare Hoyt ('02) 
Maura Hoyt ('03) 
Thomas and Trudy Huberty
Russ and Laura (Miller '85) Huggins
Monica Hultgren ('91) 
Robert and Cynthia (Weiler '79) Hummel
Dianne (Lenert '77) Hurrell
David and Carol Hurrle

Janice Jakacki
Briand and Tenesha (Brummel '96) James
Thomas Jassoy and Rose Roberts-Jassoy
Doug and Julie Jeppesen
Dr. Stephen and Alexandra Juriga

Alexandra Kackert ('23)
Mary (Ingraham ‘68) Kackert
Patrick and Antonietta Kackert
Jim Karner and Dr. Melanie Zahner Karner
Michael and Stephanie (Lies ‘67) Kartheiser
Richard and Maria (Montminy ‘70) Kauffman
John and Laurie Kazmierczak
John and Dr. Julie (Lies ‘76) Keilty
Craig Keller and Christa Orum-Keller
Travis and Samantha (Farrell ’90) Ketterman
Nadine E. Kilian
Thomas and Susan (Ellis ‘73) Kilian
Michael and Patricia (Bryan '80) Kimutis
Rex and Anne (Readey ‘76) King
Kevin and Carole King
Grace C. King
Leon and Georgiana Kipp
Elsa (Klein ‘67) Kleinfieldt
Eugene and Virginia Kluber
Andrew and Mary Klug
Peter and Jennifer (Stumm '89) Knapp
Jerry and Zoé (Konen ‘80) Knudtson
Carl Koch
David and Suzanne Kolb
Thomas Konen
Grace Konovodoff ('15)
Martha Konovodoff ('17)
Sarah Konovodoff ('20)
David and Stephanie (Johns ‘74) Konsler
Mark and Janine Kostro
Donna Kouri
James and Sandra Kowalkowski
Jillian Krivacek ('03) 
Tim and Cathryn Krull
Theodore and Suzanne Kubala
James and Christine Kukla
Paul and Pamela Kunas

Marieke Lahey ('02) 
Marc and Nicole Lambert
Daniel and Maria Lanan
Joseph and Chrissy Large
Erik and Sheila (Trannel ‘04) Larson
Andrew Wessels and Jean Lasics-Wessels
James and Tracy Legner
Howard and Nancy (Meggesin ‘69) Lemcke
Thomas and Margaret Lentz
Mark and Danielle Leonard
Gerald+ and Mary Liesen
Agnes Lochmann
William and Elizabeth Loftus
Joseph and Janice (Bodie '77) Loran
Dr. John M. Losonsky, DVM
Dr. Mary (Anderson '99) Love
Susan Lowney
Francis and Catherine (Nickels '66) Lubinski

Mark Macur
Kim Macygin ('90) 
Jonathan Madding Foundation
Kenneth and Elizabeth Malette
Jeff and Carmen Mallers
Lawrence and Judith Mallon
Yvonne Malone
Joseph and Teresa (Miller '74) Martini
Glen and Eileen Maryanski
Louis and Julianne Matsie
Jerry and Patricia+ May
May Family Charitable Fund
Paul and Cynthia Mayer
McDonald's Corporation
Patrick and Erin McEniry
John and Erin (Mulligan ‘91) McFarlane
Ellen Barnes (‘70) and James McGough
Patrick and Marilyn McGowan
Amy McMahon
Craig and Sherry Melby
Karen Mellon (‘75)
William Messmer
Janna Michael ('98)
Timothy and Tracey Michel
Scott and Cynthia (Crow ‘70) Miller
Mark and Lou Anne (Geist ’71) Miller
Marianne Miller
Michael and Mary Kaye (Schmit ‘71) Miller
Kenneth and Raelynn (McKay ‘83) Miller
Robert and Ann Miller
Robert Miller
Mark and Stacey (Graham '83) Miller
Stephen and Tracy Miller
Ian and Laurie (Miller ‘81) McNeill
Peter and Heidi Molenhouse
Mary Montalbano
Kathleen Moore
Joseph and Marilyn Moore III
William and Leanne Moore
Leticia Morales-Perez
Anastasia Mucha ('21)
Matthew Mullen
Michael and Dianne (Brummel '71) Mutersbaugh
Brandi Myers ('93)

Kenneth Nagel
Daniel and Cindy (Marsh ‘66) Nagis
Adam and Hayley (Totten '02) Nathan
Adam and Diana Nawrocki
Tom and Cindy Neacy
Mary Beth Nedrow ('68)
John and Therese Nelson
Jack and Lori Nelson
Joseph and Barbara Neustadt
New York Life Insurance Co. / Rose Roberts-Jassoy
Ronald and Marilyn Nickels
Ross and Jill (Rakunas ‘91) Niemi
Marnie (Mueller ‘89) Noel
Donald Novack
Robert G. Novack
Robert J. and Marcia Novack
Juli (Winn '77) Novak

Kelly O'Brien ('85)
Kevin and Teresa O'Brien
Laura O'Brien
Richard and Jean O'Brien
Aaron and Sherrill O'Connor
J. Patrick and Kathleen O'Connor
Kevin and Mart O'Connor
Nina O'Connor ('67)
Thomas and Rhonda Oker
Robert Olech
Edward and Jill Orr

Chris and Christy Pall
John and Georgiana Pasulka
Michael and Karen Perillo
Lillian Perry
Mark and Marjorie Peters
Robert and Theresa Peters
Michael and Debbie (Sickles ‘70) Philipchuck
Sam and Tracy Phillippe
Robert and Catherine (Rice '71) Platt
Anne Porter (‘85)
James and Denise Power
Edward and Mary Powers
Jack Pragit
Gary and Andrea Purpura

Larry and Mary Rakunas
Kevin and Sheila (Bernal '91) Ray
Robin and Bonnie (Currie ‘80) Reder
Amy Regnier ('87)
David Renteria and Esperanza Lopez
Joseph and Jennifer Rentz
Susan Rescigno
Nancy Rettig ('80)
Tom Reuland
Michael and Dr. Sarah (Lee '94) Reynolds
Richard and Susan (Garbe '71) Rhoads
Craig Rice
Ransom Rice
Joseph and Karen (Carney '76) Richmond
Jonathan and Amy (Wilson '93) Ricker
Robert and Mary Jo (Marsh ‘71) Rickert
Salvador and Susan Rios
Gary Roberts
Scott and Karen Rocush
Jesse and Michelle Rodriguez
Brent and Andrea (Ziffer ‘03) Roeger
Teresa Rohde
Rosary Parents' Auxiliary / Rosary Royal Parents
Rosary Sports Boosters
Carol Rice Rosignolo
Joseph and Joy Rubo
Richard and Elizabeth (Herren '76) Rudow
Steve Ruh
Runde Engineering, Inc. / Dan and Janet Runde

Michelle Salerno ('84) 
Clayton and Cherri Saltijeral
Frank and Shelley (Reding ‘70) Saltijeral
Martha (Arbizzani '74) Sanchez
Jeremy and Margaret Sauer
Doug Cheatham and Elizabeth (Johnson ‘79) Scanlan-Cheatham
William and Mary Lou (Solfisburg ‘67) Scanlon
Walter and Patricia Schearer
Tim and Dawn Scheck
Elmer and Michele Schelling
Kent and April (Dahlin ‘71) Schielke
Gerald and Rosemary Schindlbeck
Frank and Barbara (Guertler '83) Schmalz
Lawrence and Carol Schnitker
Douglas and Debra Schuhler
Matthew Schultz
Schwab Charitable
Amy (Fichtel '91) Schwartz
Nadia (Simek '09) Schweisthal
Scott and Eileen (Springer '84) Seales
Selden Fox, Ltd / Robert Zeman
Scott and Linda (Bettag ‘85) Seraphin
Jeannie (Shreffler '71) Shatters
Kathy Shaw Johnson
Jennifer Sheetz
Shell Oil Company Foundation Matching Gifts
Mary Alice (Rice '74) Shenoo
Joseph P. Shereda
Edward and Caroline Sieben
Patricia Silverstein
Hon. Maureen (Flynn ‘78) Skerda
Robert and Lynn Slavin
Ronald and Valerie Slewitzke
Patricia A. Slowiak
Eric and Michele (Weber '83) Smith
Mark and Cathy Sorrentino
Jose and Cecilia Soto
Joseph D. Sparacino
Michael and Donna (Sirek ‘93) Sperlakis
Mark and Mary Spoden
St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church
Keith and Dorothy Stanley
William and Patricia Stefanski
Thomas and Karen Stemper
Ed and Cheryl (Erickson '97) Stetter
Thomas and Sharon Streit
Dave and Cindy Stumm
Stumm Insurance
Laura Swarts
Audrey A. Syrcle

Richard and Margaret Tanghe
Randall and Margaret Tavierne
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (Friends from)
Ray and Megan (Zilly '00) Thakkar
Diane Thompson
Dr. Tiffany Thurow ('01)
Greg and Joy Tiltges
Anthony and Amy Tinerella
Roger and Laura Tippett
Brian and Sara Tork
Ismael Torres and Norha Plumey
Tim and Molly Tracy Family Fund
Jerald and Diane Trannel
Tom and Joy (Schramer '73) Trimble
Karen Tringali ('66) 

Gary and Susan (Scully '71) Upson

Jim and Joelle Vallort
Joann Vanthournout
Emily Varges ('09) 
Adam and Kayla (Konen '10) Varvil
Viera Family Charitable Fund
Viking Bros. Inc
Katie Villany
Marilee Viola ('73)
Mark and Susan Vlakancic
Scott and Jessica Voelkner
Marcia (Bertels '84) Voss

William and Lisa Wade
Scott and Karen (Brummel ‘72) Wade
Tony and Nikki Walczak
Roderick and Margaret (McEnroe ‘68) Walker
Wally's Printing
Matthew and Marcy (Hirner '90) Walsh
Anne Walz
Deanna Walz
Lisa Waters
Dawn Weber ('86)
Vickie Weber
Mike and Judy Weiland
Michael Garofalo and Julie Weiler-Garofalo
Leon and Nancy Weistroffer
Gerald+ and Phyllis Weistroffer
David and Ruth Wenzel
Kurt and Dawn Westhoff
Andrew Whitman
Meghan (Burns '95) Whitted
Kenneth and Jennifer Williams
Hannah Wilson ('18)
Amy (Meyer '87) Winter
Len and Dorothy Wojtowicz
Stephen and Jane (Duffy ‘68) Wolf
Dennis and Laura Wollangk
James and Karen (Bill ‘81) Wollwert
Simon and Christine Wong
Henry and Sharon (Tarr '69) Worley
James and Linda (Brummel ‘76) Wrona
Thomas and Colleen Wronski

Robert and Cindy Ybarra
Suzanne Young

Dr. Nicholas and Mary Zacchea
Jennifer (Wagner '84) Zamecki
David and Patricia Zborowski
Kerry Zepeda ('10)
Frederick+ and Alice Zilly
Friends of Karen Zilly
Paul and Laurie Zink

Alumnae Donors 2023-24

Catherine (Nickels '66) Lubinski
Cindy (Marsh ‘66) Nagis
Karen Tringali ('66) 

Mary Pat (Cherwin ’67) Esposito
Stephanie (Lies ‘67) Kartheiser
Elsa (Klein ‘67) Kleinfieldt
Nina O'Connor ('67)
Mary Lou (Solfisburg ‘67) Scanlon

Jeanne (Wehling ‘68) Fitzpatrick
Mary (Fraser ‘68) Hodson
Mary (Ingraham ‘68) Kackert
Mary Beth Nedrow ('68)
Margaret (McEnroe ‘68) Walker
Jane (Duffy ‘68) Wolf

Nancy (Meggesin ‘69) Lemcke
Sharon (Tarr '69) Worley

Mary (Petit ‘70) Brazys
Mary (Gilbert '70) Cinto
Charlene (Bolly ‘70) Dwyer
Ann (Rhoades ‘70) Edwards
Mary Beth (Long '70) Follin
Ann (Cordes ‘70) Hastert
Ellen Barnes (‘70) 
Cynthia (Crow ‘70) Miller
Debbie (Sickles ‘70) Philipchuck
Shelley (Reding ‘70) Saltijeral
Maria (Montminy ‘70) Kauffman

Kathleen (Scanlan ‘71) Bielmeier
Theresa (Kilian ’71) Bowen
Mary (Nickels '71) Hoffman
Lou Anne (Geist’71) Miller
Mary Kaye (Schmit ‘71) Miller
Dianne (Brummel '71) Mutersbaugh
Catherine (Rice '71) Platt
Susan (Garbe '71) Rhoads
Mary Jo (Marsh ‘71) Rickert
April (Dahlin ‘71) Schielke
Jeannie (Shreffler '71) Shatters
Susan (Scully '71) Upson
Mary (Duffy ‘71) Breeden

Jan (Goheen '72) Boerke
Karen (Brummel ‘72) Wade

Carol (Duffy ‘73) Evans
Susan (Ellis ‘73) Kilian
Joy (Schramer '73) Trimble
Marilee Viola ('73)
Patricia (Hettinger ‘73) Butkovich

Dr. Rosemary (Swedler ‘74) Carroll
Stephanie (Johns ‘74) Konsler
Teresa (Miller '74) Martini
Martha (Arbizzani '74) Sanchez
Mary Alice (Rice '74) Shenoo

Patricia Garrity (‘75)
Karen Mellon (‘75)

Julia (O'Brien '76) Baker
Kathleen (Novack '76) Benoit
Dr. Diane Fabrizius ('76) 
Jean (Ament ‘76) Fichtel
Margaret Fox (‘76)
Dr. Julie (Lies ‘76) Keilty
Anne (Readey ‘76) King
Karen (Carney '76) Richmond
Elizabeth (Herren '76) Rudow
Linda (Brummel ‘76) Wrona

Teri (Brennan '77) Carlson
Dianne (Lenert '77) Hurrell
Janice (Bodie '77) Loran
Juli (Winn '77) Novak

Hon. Maureen (Flynn ‘78) Skerda
Susan (O’Brien ‘78) Choice

Cynthia (Weiler '79) Hummel
Elizabeth (Johnson ‘79) Scanlan-Cheatham

Gloria (Casey ‘80) Dollinger
Patricia (Bryan '80) Kimutis
Zoé (Konen ‘80) Knudtson
Bonnie (Currie ‘80) Reder
Nancy Rettig ('80)

Lou Anne Feltes ('81)
Donna (Fabrizius ‘81) Homan
Laurie (Miller ‘81) McNeill
Karen (Bill ‘81) Wollwert

Kathy (Bill ‘82) Brent
Martha Gass ('82) 
Linda (Nickels '82) Hoss

Raelynn (McKay ‘83) Miller
Stacey (Graham '83) Miller
Barbara (Guertler '83) Schmalz
Michele (Weber '83) Smith

Beth (Brizzolara '84) Burke
Lorraine (Meagher ‘84) Hancock
Michelle Salerno ('84) 
Eileen (Springer '84) Seales
Marcia (Bertels '84) Voss
Jennifer (Wagner '84) Zamecki

Jacalyn (Weistroffer ‘85) d’Escoto
Meg Gorecki ('85)
Laura (Miller '85) Huggins
Kelly O'Brien ('85)
Anne Porter (‘85)
Linda (Bettag ‘85) Seraphin

Kim (Brizzolara '86) Auchstetter
Jennifer (Lane ‘86) Bennett
Erica (Mueller ‘86) Cox
Dr. Janice (Fisher ‘86) Dickerson
Dawn Weber ('86)

Linda Cibulskis (‘87)
Amy Regnier ('87)
Amy (Meyer '87) Winter

Cassandre (Rigaud ‘88) Anderson
Kathleen (Zilly ‘88) Gilmore

Suzanne Baase ('89)
Samantha (Farrell ’90) Ketterman
Jennifer (Stumm '89) Knapp
Marnie (Mueller ‘89) Noel

Lisa Barclay ('90)
Laura (Gengler '90) Garrone
Patrice (Leffelman ‘90) Ghaderi
Kim Macygin ('90) 
Marcy (Hirner '90) Walsh

Julie Cibulskis (‘91)
Kristi (Waters ’91) Hess
Monica Hultgren ('91) 
Erin (Mulligan ‘91) McFarlane
Jill (Rakunas ‘91) Niemi
Sheila (Bernal '91) Ray
Amy (Fichtel '91) Schwartz

Rebecca (Arbizzani ‘92) Barr

Julie Brumund (‘93)
Michele (Pereklita ‘93) Franklin
Erin Furgason ('93) 
Sandra Galindo ('93)
Amy (Wilson '93) Ricker
Donna (Sirek ‘93) Sperlakis
Brandi Myers ('93)

Adrienne (LeFevre ‘94) Gilla
Tricia (Schearer '94) Grzesik
Jennifer (Hamilton ‘94) Hirner
Dr. Sarah (Lee '94) Reynolds

Meghan (Burns '95) Whitted

Kara (Rakunas '96) Boyle
Nicole (Schelling '96) Curtis
Tenesha (Brummel '96) James

Susan Frichitthavong ('97) 
Whitney (Werich ‘97) Heard
Cheryl (Erickson '97) Stetter

Susana Cuevas ('98)
Janna Michael ('98)

Dr. Mary (Anderson '99) Love

Megan (Zilly '00) Thakkar

Sara (Jungels '01) Beard
Stacy (Trannel ‘01) Devine
Dawn (Sorrentino '01) Gallucci
Dr. Tiffany Thurow ('01)

Clare Hoyt ('02) 
Marieke Lahey ('02) 
Hayley (Totten '02) Nathan

Maura Hoyt ('03) 
Jillian Krivacek ('03) 
Andrea (Ziffer ‘03) Roeger

Ryan (Wiet '04) Doornbos
Sheila (Trannel ‘04) Larson

Jennifer (Clark ‘09) Dewine
Caitlin Fry ('09)
Nadia (Simek '09) Schweisthal
Emily Varges ('09) 

Kayla (Konen '10) Varvil
Kerry Zepeda ('10)

Caroline Elkin ('11)

Kaleigh Ellis ('13) 

Grace Konovodoff ('15)

Abigail Herwaldt '16 

Martha Konovodoff ('17)

Hannah Wilson ('18)

Sarah Konovodoff ('20)

Anastasia Mucha ('21)

Alexandra Kackert ('23)
Rosary High School is a Catholic, college-prep high school for young women sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois. Rosary creates a sisterhood of truth, faith and strength.