

Due to the generosity of alumnae, friends and foundations, Rosary is able to offer the following scholarships:

List of 14 items.

  • John G. and Marguerite Bryan Memorial Scholarship

    An award of $1000 for two years based on Entrance Exam score and of Catholic faith
  • Gerri-Anne Calbeck Memorial Scholarship

    Award varies based on investment earnings. Must qualify for financial aid and complete an essay at Rosary following the December Entrance Exam
  • Dempsey Family Scholarship

    An award of $1000 for two years based on Entrance Exam scores (scoring in the top 25 percent). Must maintain a 3.0 GPA to renew the scholarship each year.
  • Sr. M. Megan Farrelly Scholarship

    Awarded to a young woman who has academic potential and a strong desire to attend Rosary High School. Sister Mary Megan Farrelly, OP,  was committed to diversity and encouraging academic success.
  • Howard and Vera Feltes Scholarship

    An award of $1000 for four years given to a Holy Angels student based on Entrance Exam scores. Must maintain a 3.0 GPA to renew the scholarship each year.
  • Fritz Family Scholarship

    An award of $3000 for four years; awarded every four years
  • Giving Tuesday Scholarship

    Awarded to incoming Freshmen scoring in the top 10% on the Entrance Exam from every area Catholic or middle school for one year. Must not be the recipient of another scholarship.
  • Carl & Marilyn Hess Scholarship

    An award of $1,500 each year for four years, awarded to a student in need of financial assistance. Carl and Marilyn Hess were lifelong Aurora residents, married for 61 years. They were strong supporters of area Catholic Schools.
  • Juriga Family Scholarship

    An award based on the interest earned is given to an incoming freshman of a diverse background for four years. The recipient is selected from an essay written at the time of the entrance exam.
  • Michael and Dorothy O'Brien Scholarship

    An award of $3000 for four years based on financial need. Priority is given to a student from St. Rita Catholic School.
  • Gerald and Jane Pigatti Scholarship

    Awarded to a student from St. Rita based on financial need.
  • Bill & Robin Schalz Honorary Scholarship

    Awarded to a junior* who exemplifies qualities of a champion: diligence, leadership, and sportsmanship (*Must have completed grades 9-10 at Rosary)
  • Sr. Mary Joseph Scholarship

    An award of $2000 for four years given to the daughter of a Rosary alumna based on Entrance Exam scores. Read more
  • Arthur Wiesbrook Scholarship

    One award of $3000 for four years based on Entrance Exam scores. Awarded every other year.

Future Scholarships

Once the following funds reach a minimum of $50,000, scholarships will be awarded based on the specifications of the originator of the fund:

List of 6 items.

  • Class of 1976 Scholarship

    Criteria to be determined
  • Kenneth and Carole Nagel Scholarship

    An award of $4000 for four years based on merit
  • Pay-It-Forward Scholarship

    An award based on financial need
  • Sr. Dominica Scholarship

    Awarded to a student possessing talent in the fine arts
  • Sr. Marilyn Scholarship

    An award of $2000 for four years based on Entrance Exam scores and financial need
  • Sr. Mary Gretchen Scholarship

    An award of $1000 for four years based on Entrance Exam scores and financial need

Contributing to Scholarships

To donate to any scholarship listed above, please visit Click on Scholarships and note which scholarship to direct your donation to in the comment box.

Thank you for your support. Questions? Please contact Vicki Danklefsen, Director of Philanthropy & Alumnae, at or call the school at (630) 896-0831 x250.
Rosary High School is a Catholic, college-prep high school for young women sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois. Rosary creates a sisterhood of truth, faith and strength.