Student Life

Fine Arts


The study of music at Rosary High School provides opportunities for performing, analyzing, and evaluating music in a positive environment with the expectation that students will grow as musicians and as individuals. They will develop a personal sense of value for music in their lives. 

Students have the opportunity to be a part of two curricular choirs, two curricular orchestras, music electives, and music extracurriculars at Rosary High School. 

The Symphony Orchestra (full orchestra/all instruments), Treble Chorus and Ensemble are credit courses that meet within the school day. Ensemble is selected by audition. The Rosary-Marmion Chamber Orchestra is a credit course that meets at Rosary before the regular school day begins. 

Music activities include four seasonal concerts, Fine Arts Dinner Theatre, the IMEA competition, the IHSA Solo/Ensemble Contest, the school musical, music for school liturgies, and various field trips. Glee Club is a non-credit, extracurricular choir.

Music students have the opportunity to participate in a performance trip each summer. Recent destinations have included Nashville, Toronto, Chicago, and St. Louis.

Students may also elect to join the Marmion-Rosary Band, a credit course which meets before school at Marmion Academy. (A bus to Rosary is available.) Jazz Band is another opportunity for Rosary and Marmion students. Jazz Band meets Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Marmion Academy. 

Intro to Drama
•1 semester course
•Learn fundamentals of the stage, acting, character development and improvisation

Music Appreciation
•1 semester
•Learn how to listen and analyze a wide variety of music. 

Visual Arts

A variety of visual arts courses are also offered for credit. These include Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Photography, and Graphic Design. Art students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of exhibits and contests throughout the year. The Art Department also helps design sets for the musical.

Since 2017, Rosary High School artists have participated in The Memory Project, a charitable nonprofit organization that invites art teachers and their students to create and donate portraits to youth around the world who have faced substantial challenges, such as violence, disasters, extreme poverty, neglect, and loss of parents. To date, Rosary students have created portraits for children in Ukraine (2022-23), Sierra Leone (2021-22), India (2020-21), Syria (2019-20), Puerto Rico (2018-19), and Peru (2017-18).

Processing costs to deliver each portrait around the world are $15 each. To support this global effort, donate to The Memory Project.

School Musical

Rosary presents a full-length musical production every November. The musical is selected from Broadway calibre shows and has included such titles as Beauty and the Beast, The Sound of Music, Into the Woods, The Wizard of Oz, The Little Mermaid, and Shrek. Auditions for the musical are open to all Rosary and Marmion students. Students also have the opportunity to participate on stage crew, technical crew, or in the pit orchestra.

Marmion Academy stages a full-length musical each Spring. Auditions for this musical are also open to all Rosary and Marmion students.
See the video at right for a history of Rosary musicals in song, prepared for the school's 50th Anniversary in 2012.

Glee Club

Do you love to sing? Rosary's Glee Club is open to all students; no audition required. We meet on Tuesdays during activity periods. We sing a great variety of pop music! We perform at the Fall, Christmas, Winter and Spring Concerts as well as at Fine Arts Dinner Theatre!

Moderator: Mrs. Carron

Drama Club

Do you love theatre? Rosary's Drama Club is open to all students who love to be on stage or behind the scenes! We meet during activity period starting second semester. Develop your acting skills through improvisation, monologues, scene work, drama games and more!

Moderators: Mrs. Biancalana and Mrs. Carron

Fine Arts News

List of 16 news stories.

Fine Arts Events

List of 2 events.

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Rosary High School is a Catholic, college-prep high school for young women sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois. Rosary creates a sisterhood of truth, faith and strength.