News and Calendar

Why Rosary - Your Path to Royal Excellence

Why Rosary - Your Path to Royal Excellence 
Why Rosary? Your Path to Royal Excellence 

Calling all families with daughters in 4th - 8th grade! 

Join us for topic-driven sessions to discover why Rosary High School is the right choice for your daughter's high school journey.  

Each session will also cover how Rosary is an affordable investment in her future.  

Upcoming Sessions - 6:00 pm in the Rosary Cafeteria.  

Wednesday, 2.12.25 - Mission, Catholic Dominican Heritage, & Portrait of a Rosary Graduate 
Wednesday, 2.19.25 - The Rosary Royal All Girls Advantage 
Wednesday, 3.19.25 - College Prep Curriculum 
Wednesday, 4.2.24 - Extracurricular Experience 

Discover how Rosary empowers young women with faith, leadership, and academic excellence - while remaining an affordable option for families. 

Contact Erin McEniry at for more information. 

Register now:
Rosary High School is a Catholic, college-prep high school for young women sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois. Rosary creates a sisterhood of truth, faith and strength.